Taichi@code 🧑‍💻

I love learing new technologies 💻


    Vancouver, Canada



  • WORK

    Frontend Developer


  • React icon
  • TypeScript icon
  • JavaScript icon

Other skills:

Node.js, Scss/Sass, CSS3, HTML5
Gatsby.js, Next.js, Redux, Material-UI, TailwindCSS, styled-components
Firebase, MongoDB, Figma

🔥 I'm really passionate about ...

coding and designing. I get a sense of satisfaction and joy whenever what I create brings others happiness.

👀 My ambition is ...

to create my own web service, so I'm very interested in back-end programming. I see myself becoming a web developer who understands the ins and outs of what back-end developers and designers do as well.

👥 When I work on a project, ...

I'm a great team player. I'm the sort of person who helps others when they're stuck with buggy codes and manages to find efficient solutions logically.

🏋️‍♂️ Me time involves ...

taking photos—especially of interesting architecture—working out, and camping. I also love coding and programming in my spare time.